MKMMA Week 22A: Science – Running Everything Since The Beginning of Time


Science is a systematic enterprise that creates, builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. (Wikipedia)

The SCIENCE of getting rich.

A mentor once told me that having money was the closest we could come to being God on earth.  The more you have, the more you are able to help.

Although I understood the logic, I recognized pangs of uncomfortable around that statement that I now recognize as the subby’s old blueprint at work.

Who do I think I am, trying to be “God”?
Who do I think I am, thinking I could become “rich”?

The SCIENCE of getting rich tells me, basically, that anyone can do it.
“Rich” is about more than money
There is a body of knowledge behind it.
And that anyone that follows the correct, systematic, process can achieve it.
The process is simple.
And it starts within.

As I read those last words, it came to me that the attaining process starts within. But the attaining brings out more of what is already inside.  We see so many people in all areas of “attainment” reach back, reach out, and become a bigger life force for good in the world.

And we see some who simply don’t.

I feel the power alive in my area of passion,
where I see even more clearly how my mentors are following the principles.

I can feel the palpable excitement within myself and my partners, just having “virtual riches” to give.

I can feel the subby expanding, growing, learning, and accepting.

“The inner work we do is so vital to any external changes we want to see happen. ” – Melanie Martin



MKMMA – Week 22 Silence Is Golden

I never realized how rare moments of silence are
until I looked for blocks of time within my own life where I could be completely silent and alone with myself.

Not alone, completing a task.

Simply, alone, with myself.

Not simply for moments, but hours, even days.

And even more so, to find those times without the hinderance of someone else’s emotions.

I’m still looking.  But now with purpose.

Just the fact that it is so rare
let’s me know that it’s worth finding.

MKMMA Week 21 – The Art of Life

is The art of recognition.

No more will life just happen.

I’ve realized that just as we recognize the positive characteristics in others and events, recognizing fear, guilt, anger, hurt feeling and feelings of unworthiness in others
gives us power to totally change the dynamics of the relationship
by giving us the opportunity to change our response.

MKMMA Week 20 – It’s a plan!

When have you ever heard anyone say “I have a plan for your success”?

In so many areas of life, there is no plan.
We pick friends, college majors, spouses, choose careers or jobs, have babes …  and more,
all usually without a conscious plan.  And usually, it all turns out OK.

But can you imagine what life might be like
lived with the outcome in mind.

That is why I love the Master Key Experience.

It’s a progression, sometimes hard to comprehend,

but a well thought out plan to free yourself to live your best life now.

By someone who is doing so
And is willing to share the knowledge.

What could be better than that?!


MKMMA Week 18 – I Am Love


This FELT like an “Assignment” and I’m so glad that despite my feelings, I did it anyway.

This week, there were 2 movies we could choose from to watch.   I had never heard of either, so of course, I ‘googled’ them.  One sounded interesting so on the chosen night I sat down to find it.  I couldn’t.  The other one, sounded incredibly boring, even disturbing, so I had no desire to watch it.  Of course, that’s the one I found right off on Netflix.  I spend an incredible amount of time time looking for the other movie, until finally, I just gave up.

OK. I’ll watch “I Am”

I was totally unprepared for the revelations and confirmations that I received from that movie.

We are in a “participatory universe”.  (love that phrase!)

Some of us know that our thoughts and actions affect our outcomes, but this movie documented physical connections and responses to how our mind affects reality that I never imagined.

It showed how we are more connected than ever thought, in such a way that if some knew and believed, would erase all bigotry, racism, hatred, evilness because what you do to someone else,
believe me,
you do to those you love.

And it confirmed what the MKMMA experience has reaffirmed for me
a consistent theme that is running in everything that I am involved in
and what I have had the opportunity to share with others…

Love IS all you need.

God is love.

When we operate in God/Love

we change

Lives change.

and this world will be a better place.

MKMMA Week 17a Simple Power

“Desire added to concentration will wrench any secret from nature.”

This is a reminder to me that power lies in something that is simple to do
and to simply not do.

I had to go back to the basics, acknowledge my own burning desires and commit to the habits that strengthen the power within.



MKMMA Week 17 – I must’ve forgotten

Many years ago, a friend told me a story…

If everyone in the world stood together, and threw their troubles on a huge table before them, after looking over everyone else’s troubles

you’d RUN and get your own.

I’ve had troubles. I’ve realized that my troubles are not special, or unique.
But I’ve let troubles keep me from fully doing what I came here to do.

You see, I realized some time ago, that to move into the next level of my goals and dreams…

In order to HAVE something different
I had to BE someone different.

That is why I am in the Master Key Experience

I’ve tried not to,
But I have let troubles keep me from fully, consistently
immersing myself in the experience.

Mark said two things this week that rocked me out of my complacency and made me
look for the hidden cameras and 2-way mirrors,
‘Cause he must be looking in my house, and in my heart.

1) You’re thinking of this as ‘assignments’

2) This is the week when you’re ‘dropping out’, not doing the work on and for yourself

Both, sadly, so true.

I must’ve forgotten, that

I am an anointed, magnetic, leader and I am obedient to God’s will for me.

I must’ve forgotten, that

my life motto is Do or Do not, there is no Try

Now, I remember.



MKMMA Week 16 – In Kind

You usually find what you are looking for….

This week, our assignment was to look for “kindness” in others, in ourselves,

even in animals (what?!)

I was amazed at the conspiracy, the kindness coincidences

It seemed that everywhere I looked, I saw a focus on kindness.

and the joy is

What I focus on, multiplies

MKMMA Week 15 A future so bright, I gotta wear shades

“You couldn’t see it if it wasn’t in you”

What a tremendously freeing thought.

Our task is to determine a quality we would most like to improve upon, and look for signs of this quality in others – and in ourselves.

My first thought is, “I don’t have it, that’s why I want to improve upon it!”

But what an eye opening experience to realize that,
just as when you buy a new car, and suddenly you see that same car over and over again,

so can I recognize the quality I desire to obtain in myself, over and over again

because that quality already resides in me.

And what I focus on, grows!